Friday, November 7, 2008

The Grand Announcement

Well... Some of you may have known this big news by now.. After the previous postings on my worries on not being able to conceive as easily as others. I am proud to announce that I am going to be a mother soon!!! Haha...

I am currently 17 weeks pregnant (approx 4 months). My baby's expected delivery date is 20 April 2009. I had a separate blog to mark baby's growing journey. Its I had created a link for it at the side of my blog. You may login there if you are interested to know my pregnancy process. Partly due to my pregnant status, I am getting lazier and lazier in my blog's updates both the current one and the baby's one. I will try my best to update it as soon as possible.

If you are wondering the baby's gender... I will keep it a secret for now first and will reveal it after baby's detailed scan in Dec. Keke... Alright... I am getting tired now.. Will put up my posting soon... Will be going for dim sum buffet and Singapore flyer this weekend. I will blog on my recommendations as soon as possible. Tata for now...